My Growing Girl

I promise that sometime this week I will finally load all my vacation pics onto the computer and upload some up here! I've just been too busy watching Shark Week, cleaning, unpacking, and getting ready to go back to the beach again next Tuesday for another week {totally not complaining though...sooo lucky to be able to take two, one week vacations at the beach with my family!}.

Little M is growing by leaps and bounds recently. She and I went to the doctor yesterday for her 8 month visit. She is 26 inches and 17.6 lbs. That puts her in the 50th percentile for her age. She had to get two more shots:( but thankfully she had no reaction to either of them.

She is perfecting her clapping ability and I'm working on teaching her to wave hello and goodbye. On Monday morning before we left the beach, I popped her in her crib down there so I could finish packing up her room. I turned my back for a minute, and when I looked back at her, she had pulled herself up to standing! So as soon as we got home I took out the bumpers in her crib and Skip and I lowered her crib mattress down to the lowest level. She is getting to just be such a big girl! She is so close to crawling and I'm scrambling to make sure everything is baby-proofed.

She is still pretty much on her 5:30 am wake-up, so I just need to adjust my own sleeping patterns to hers. I was lucky last week because Skip got up with her every morning and let me sleep in until 8! It was glorious! It has been hard on him going back to work, missing out on the daily routine with Little M. It makes me sad for him, but also makes me appreciate more everyday how lucky I am to be with her all the time. It can be exhausting and tiring, but I am so lucky that we can afford for me to be able to stay home!


  1. check out my have an award!

  2. She sounds like she is going to be having fun soon. My daughter doesn't pull herself up just yet. I am waiting for her to start crawling any day now.


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