My 'Oops' Story

Since some of you were kind enough to share some of your horror stories with me about forgetting an extra change of clothes for your baby, I'll share my story {this is for you Campbell!}

When Little M was tiny I took her over to my parent's house for a little visit. I brought a diaper bag with diapers, wipes, and whatnot, but did not think to bring an extra set of clothes since she had already pooped before we left. I also wasn't concerned since my parents live 4 blocks away from us.

Anyways, we were hanging out there for a while, having a great time, and then I heard it. When Little M was tiny, her bowel movements were LOUD..there was definitely no mistaking what was going on {sorry M, I promise never to show this post to your future boyfriends}. And after I heard it, I saw it...poop leaking out of her diaper and all up and down her clothes. My mom and I quick rushed her upstairs and stripped her down. We cleaned her up and put her in a fresh diaper. Then my mom asked where the extra clothes were. Yeah that was my 'bad Mommy' moment when I had to admit I didn't bring any...or even a blanket to wrap her in since it was THE DEAD OF WINTER.

However, my mom had a soft blanket she wrapped around my little girl and I was able to quickly run home and get some more clothes {I actually brought back THREE extra outfits just in case, haha}. Thankfully we were so close and Little M didn't have to freeze in her carseat as I drove her home to change. I went anywhere without extra clothes again!


  1. Haha, well at least now she's always prepared for an emergency trip with extra clothing!

  2. I love it! When Grant was little he had a poop explosion in a similar fashion where the poop was running down his legs onto the pew at church! Oh dear! Thanks for sharing, Mandy.


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