Think Before You Predict

Dear Mr. Weather Man,
If you insist on predicting the weather every day, could you please attempt to get it right?? Don't tell me that there are going to be crazy thunderstorms rolling into my area for the next few days. Because when you tell me things like that, I will feel the need to prepare my outside patio/yard for the rain onslaught. I'll roll down the umbrella, stack the chairs in the corner, make sure all the garbage can lids are on tight, and pour out all the water from the baby pool and store it in the garage. Yes the same baby pool that took me forever to set up and fill only a few days ago. The one I would love to have set up today since it is going to be sunny and around 90* {pretty much the opposite of what you predicted} The one that I just don't have the energy to set up and fill again today. But don't apologize to me. It's this little face you have disappointed:

A tired, cranky Mommy

PS....I know what you're going to respond to me: 'Well Mommy, there *was* tons of lightening last were we to think anything else other than huge storms??' Yeah, it was heat lightening buddy...even I know that!


  1. Wow, sounds like you live in Denver! LOL

  2. I know how you feel! The weather is being crazy right now! One minute it's 95 and hot and 5 mins later it's windy and pouring down rain!

  3. the weather here sucks lately. im ready for the cooler weather... its got to come sometime right?!

  4. This was hysterical!!! You literally had me rolling! Lol!

  5. The only job where you can be wrong 80% of the time and not be fired!


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