Water Bug

Sorry I have been slacking on blogging about what's been going on during our vacation here, but 1, I've been busy working on my tan and relaxing with the family, and 2, I forgot my cord to upload pictures to my computer from the camera. And I'd hate to blog without giving you a little visual!

But today we went to a pool party at my sister's place and she took some awesome pictures! It was Little M's first time in a pool. We had taken her in the ocean a few days ago and she was not really thrilled with it, but we were hopeful the warm, calm waters of the pool would be better.

We took her in as soon as she got there, and her response was pretty much the same as she had about the ocean. She was okay being in the pool as long as someone was holding her tight and preventing any part of her body from touching the water.

We then took a break to feed her and ourselves before giving it another go. This time she *loved* it!!! She was so happy to bounce up and down, splash with her hands and kick her little legs. It was great to see all her smiles and giggles! We are going to a huge pool party next weekend that one of the guys Skip works with is throwing, so hopefully it'll be as good an experience. I leave you with some of the pictures and promise to get back into regular blogging mode when we come home on Monday!

Splashing with Mommy
Two water bugs
My loves...could I be any luckier??
Checking out the other babies at the pool
Laughing at Daddy
Loving her first pool party!


  1. Little M is sooo cute! Glad you guys had a great time at the pool.

  2. Little M is so precious with those big beautiful eyes! You have a beautiful family!

  3. She is gorgeous! Thank God she has a strong daddy cause he is going to have to hold down the fort and keep those doors locked when she gets older, lol, she is seriousely very beautiful!


  4. This is so adorable. I can't wait until Josiah starts liking the pool. Right now he just screams when we get in.

  5. She is precious! I love that last picture!

  6. Hey Mandy, Your water bug is sure cute!! Hope you had a great blast on your vacation! I saw your comment on my blog and want to say even though you are not teaching right now, please feel free to reflect on things you did when you were in the classroom!! You don't have to but please feel free to join us on Friday!


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