Bargain Bag

With some extra money I got recently, I decided to treat myself to a new fall purchase {partially to help ease my dislike over the season}. After much deliberation I decided to get a new purse. I have not gotten a new one in years, and felt like it was time. I wanted something that was a decent size so I could throw some bottles, diapers, and toys in it for shorter outings with Little M, when I don't need to lug around a whole diaper bag. After scouring the Internet for DAYS I finally came across this beauty on

It retails for $92. I got it for $18!!! Wahoo, bargain shopping!!! I cannot wait until it arrives in the mail!!!


  1. VERY cute!!! I no longer use a purse. I just throw my wallet in the diaper bag. Someday I'll have a cute purse again. Hopefully.


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