Falling Thoughts

I woke up this morning and it was *freezing*....like late October kind of freezing....like my husband who is always hot, was cold kind of freezing. I know it's September 2nd, but really, can't we have summer just a little bit longer?? I'm not quite ready to put away my shorts, tank tops, and flip flops just yet.

This cooler weather does remind of all the kids getting back to school this week and next. It's weird for me to not be going back to school again this year. Last year was the first year in my life I didn't start the school year in a classroom. I went right from college into my first year of teaching. I taught for three years and 'retired' in June of 2008. I was five months pregnant then and since I had been soooo sick up to that point, my husband and I figured the best decision was not to go back to work in the fall for the few months before the baby was born. I also didn't think it would be fair to my kids to have me for three months and then have to get used to another teacher for the rest of the year. Especially since I knew I would not be returning to teaching after the baby was born.

Our plan is for me to stay home until our youngest {whenever that may be} child goes to kindergarten. Then I will go back to work, hoping to keep the same hours as my kids. I could and would be happy to go back to teaching. I had always wanted to be a teacher, and loved it while I was doing it. But I am also taking this time at home as an opportunity to really think about what I'll want to do with my career once I go back. That will also obviously depend on our financial situation at the time. I have contemplated going back to school to get my certificate in interior design, a passion I have developed over the next few years. Or maybe I could work as a librarian in a school or town library. I have both a teaching and English degree, so I could do other things. I am very blessed to be able to be home with Little M and also have the opportunity to weigh my future options.

But I wouldn't be thinking about all of this if it hadn't become fall overnight! Now don't get me wrong, I do like some things about fall. I LOVE football {go Giants!!!!} My birthday, which I count as a national holiday, is in October {though as I'm painfully entering my late-twenties, I would much rather get younger, not older, every year} And it is fun to switch over warmer clothes of jeans, boots, and sweaters, though I only like it for about two weeks.

I'm a summer girl. Give me 100* weather and I'm perfectly happy. And I HATE, I mean HATE the winter. The snow, cold, and bundling of clothes never fails to put me in a foul mood. And winter is just around the corner...so remember that all you people celebrating fall!


  1. Lol. I think fall is probably my favorite season. But I agree, it only leads to winter. I hate Winter. I love this post though. It was chilly here this week too. I guess we have to let go of summer..

  2. I wish it was cooler here! Today it was in the low 80's!

  3. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE WINTER!! AND I HATE, HATE, HATE SUMMER, lol, we are so opposite! :)



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