Happy 10 Month Birthday

Happy 10 month birthday to my little M!! {okay, so I'm a day late with this post} We went to the doctor yesterday for a well-baby visit and my 19 lb, 28" long little girl is just perfect, but I could have told you that! This was her last visit before she is she is a ONE YEAR OLD. {start sniffling now} It is sad to see Little M grow out of each stage, clothing and diaper size, but it is even more exciting to watch her embark on every new stage. I swear the love in my heart grows for her more and more every day. She's just the best little bopper ever!


  1. And what a cutie she is. Happy 10 month!! We're 8 1/2 months today, so we're following close behind. I can't believe how quickly they grow!


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