Just Another Phase?

In this post I need some help from all you veteran mommies out there! Little M has been eating solids for 5 months now. She is up to the Gerber Stage 3 foods and also eats a lot of finger foods. She LOVES waffles, Cheerios, frozen peas, cut up bananas, chucks of peaches, bread, and these Gerber yogurt melts. She is still eating her oatmeal very well and loves the Yo Baby yogurts. But she refuses to eat any of the jarred food anymore! We've tried both Stage 2 and 3 and she just fights us every time. Sometimes she'll eat it if we mix it in with the oatmeal, but not always. She could eat enough to fill her belly with the other foods, but I want to make sure she's getting the right nutrition and that can best be rounded out with the jars. She is still drinking 4 6oz bottles of formula every day as well. I am worrying for nothing? Is this just a phase she is going through? Should we be trying to just give her more 'regular' food and ween her off the jars? Let me know if any of you have had experience with this!


  1. When James started that he was done with purees...so I just went with it and we both were much happier :) I used any left over fruit ones in smoothies for him.

  2. *done with purees, as in he refused to eat them anymore. He pretty much decided overnight. One day he was eating them, and the very next day he was done done DONE

  3. You should not be sad about this! You should instead be so happy that you can start feeding her the real deal. She is just letting you know that she is officially over stuff that she can't chew.

    If you have a lot of baby jars left over see if anyone you know can use them OR donate them to a local womens shelter.


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