Before and After - Dining Room

Here are some before and afters of our dining room. I only have one before picture for some reason, but took a whole bunch of afters. It is a dark brown looks like milk chocolate spread all over the walls...yummy! I also made the valances above the windows. They are an even darker brown silky material. Enjoy!



{Skip's Wall of Accomplishments...he's one ambitious boy!}


  1. I don't just like this, I love it! You're rooms are looking soooo good!

  2. my goodness you do have great taste ! haha first the orange andnow this we also just painted our living room walls this color its called chocolate brown by ralph lauren but it is more of a milk chocolate haha.all three walls are this color and the one behind the tv set is the orange,I LOVE IT!

  3. We have an "I Love Me" wall for James Bond in our upstairs loft. It always makes me proud when I walk by.
    You are one amazing decorator.

  4. Awesome room! You did a great job! I looooove the color!


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