Before and After - Half Bath

Our half-bath downstairs is located off of the kitchen. After living in a tiny one-bedroom condo for three years whose only bathroom could only be accessed by walking through the master bedroom, this tiny little room is a heaven sent! I painted it a deep orangey color, same as our upstairs bathroom. I am still working on the window treatments for this bathroom, so I'll update whenever I get those done. For now, here are the pictures!




  1. Oh wow...that's really beautiful. I love the contrast of the black on orange. You're inspiring me to do something to my WHITE house I've lived in for 4 years!! Time to get busy!

  2. Nice job - looks beautiful!

  3. That looks great! It makes it look like a totally different room!

  4. ooh pretty! I love deep rich colors we just painted one of our walls that color.IT was that new BEHR paint the primer &paint in one called Tibetan orange.The paint was alittle expensive but you only need one coat!Its amazing how color changes things isnt it? I love it good job

  5. That looks fantastic! I'm soooo jealous though! I would give anything for a second bathroom!

  6. Wow! I love that color! We painted our house when we first moved in and while I still love the colors of some rooms I'm really done with others and this really makes me want to start repainting!


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