Birthday Recap

As I said, the celebrating for this birthday was definitely different than past years since I have Little M now. It was fabulous though, and there is no greater present than her smiling face! Skip let me sleep in that day until 10:00 am {!!!!!} and I was awoken by him and Meredith and a tray of breakfast. There was a buttered bagel, cookies, and a Diet Coke...three of my most favorite foods! I got two beautiful cards and TICKETS TO THIS WEEKEND'S GIANT'S GAME!! So not only do I get to go see my Giants {for the last time in this stadium, tear} but it will also be a date night out with the husband! I think it will be the longest we will be out together sans baby! Anyways, we then went out to lunch with my parents to Friendlys...yumm! {no more fancy Italian restaurants for my birthday...only kid-friendly places for this girl!}

After lunch we decided to go have some family fun at the park. Skip, Little M, Mr. B and I headed out to a park about 5 minutes from our house. We went for a long walk around the lake and then took M to the playground. She always *loves* going on the swings and we decided to try her on the slide as well. That she was not a fan of, but I'm sure she'll grow to love it one day!

Once we got home we had a pizza dinner {I always have pizza on my birthday!} we got ready for my party that night. I had a few friends over to watch some Monday Night Football. It was very low-key but tons of fun!

So I might not have been out partying till the early morning hours but this simpler post-baby birthday was the best I've ever had:)

Here are just a couple of pics from my party...I was too busy having fun to take more!

Me and my favorite girls!

Best husband ever!


  1. Happy birthday!! That breakfast in bed sounds wonderful. How sweet and thoughtful of your husband. Your little girl is absolutely adorable!!!


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