Buzz Off

Thank you all so much for the birthday wishes! I will post all about my fabulous birthday tomorrow once I upload my pictures. But for today I will tell you about the first of one of many scary Mommy Moments. It involved this little cutie

and this evil evil creature.

Skip and I took Little M to Buy Buy Baby to pick up a few {or many} things today. On our way home we opened the windows in the car because after a week of freezing rain it was finally warm and sunny. As we were getting off the highway, about 5 minutes or so from home, Little M started screaming. I looked back and saw her grabbing at her little hand. Thankfully we pulled up to a red light and I hopped in the back with her. I was just getting situated when I noticed A BEE SITTING ON MY DAUGHTER'S T-SHIRT!!!!! I stayed calm {okay, there was a little bit of freaking out} and told Skip to open the window. I tried to flick the bee off of Little M and out the window. Of course all I managed to do was flick it so pitifully that it just fell next to her. Now it was trapped between her and her car seat!!! I yelled to Skip to pull over and he did immediately. Then I pulled Little M out of her car seat and Skip killed the evil evil bee.

We strapped Little M back into the car seat and I stayed in the back to comfort her. Once the whole thing was over, Little M was back to her happy self. Her little pinkie swelled up and got all red. Thankfully that was the only reaction she had, and after a little ice and a few hours her pinkie was back to normal.

I know that over her life there will be many more stings, bites, scrapes, and bruises, and it just breaks my heart. Are you sure I can't just put her in a bubble until she's at least 18??


  1. Holy Cow!!! What a horrible experience. I would have freaked out. So glad that's all the reaction she had. Poor little cutie!

  2. Awwww. Poor thing! I would've freaked out too. No bee stings for my baby darn it! I'm glad she's ok.

  3. Oh man. I would have freaked out too! I am so glad she is okay though.


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