*Mom Tip*

*If your children hate the confining feeling of being swaddled, try swaddling them under their armpits so their arms can be free.*

Little M just screamed everytime we tried swaddling her in the beginning. Then we swaddled her under her arms and she was completely content. Wrapping her arms down by her side was just too confining for her.


  1. Our son hated his arms being confined too. Good tip.

  2. Yeah I did that too. My little one is 2.5 months. I stopped swaddling her when we left the hospital because it was so hot so then she didn't like it when I tried to again. Then at 6 wks (& not as hot) I started swaddling her after she fell asleep-- I'd keep the swaddle blanket open on top or under her arms, then when she falls asleep I'll wrap her arms in. I think that's what keeps her asleep at night because when I started that she started sleeping through the night. (sorry for long comment)


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