Pause in the Chaos

Yesterday at lunchtime I was running around my house like crazy. I was feeding Little M mac and cheese and vegetables, which required me to run back and forth between the kitchen and family room where she was eating. I also had to let the puppies in and out, make sure they got treats and water and weren't attacking each other. I was trying to tidy up the kitchen and family room since my friend J was coming over in a little while. I was attempting to watch the Fox Pre-Game Show to make sure none of my fantasy players were taken out last minute. All the while I was trying to keep everyone in the house quiet because Skip was sleeping after working a sixteen hour shift.

And then for a moment I stopped, a smile spread across my face and I thought, "I just love this. I love being a wife. I love being a mom."

I am very blessed in my life right now!


  1. Awe, such a beautiful post! I love how much you love football! It is so cute because I'm so not into it! I honestly don't understand it!

  2. I just went back to work very part-time and I this post makes me really miss being at home all of the time. There is nothing better than being a stay-at-home mom.

  3. Mandy, I have these moments also when I'm in the hustle and bustle of my life and realize how much I enjoy doing what I do. It's great when you love your job.

  4. It is those moments that make me feel so grateful that I am a Mom! When you stop and realize that even when your doing a hundred things at once, you wouldn't have it any other way! If only we could remember those moments when the bad ones strike! :)

  5. That's great! I'm glad your in such a great place right now!

  6. What a beautiful post!! And I adore your blog!!

  7. Haha...I'm glad you liked my little game. Totally stole it from another blog. I see that you have the same "stay at home mom" picture on your blog-- you must've Googled it too! :)


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