Time To Do Some Celebrating!

Today is a *very* important day in our little household. It is my 27th BIRTHDAY!!! I love my birthday...I mean LOVE it! I partied for a week every year in college. My celebrations may be a little more toned down now that I'm a Mommy, but I still plan on enjoying this day to the fullest {even though I'm not really excited about being 27, and officially being considered in my 'late twenties'. Can I go back to being 23?? Pretty please??} I will post tomorrow all about our birthday celebrations today. Happy Birthday to ME!!!


  1. I'm the same way...I celebrate my birthday for an entire week! Happy Birthday-glad you know how to celebrate it!


  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRL! I would love to be 27, I just turned 32!Turning 30 was a sad day for me lol But in my head im still a young 21!


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