Before I Was a Mom

Before I was a Mom, I had no idea....
- what exhaustion was
- how stressful life can really be
- that you really can run on *very* little sleep
- how stir crazy you can get as a stay-at-home mom
- how long it takes to get a baby ready for anything
- that I would miss being able to do laundry and clean whenever I wanted to
- that you now have to really work to get quality alone time with your husband

But also, before I was a Mom, I had no idea.....
- how much you can truly love someone more than yourself
- that new baby smell is the best smell in the world
- that watching my husband hold our daughter would make me fall in love with him all over again
- that baby smiles and hugs make all the sleepless nights worth it
- that some days there is nothing I would rather do than snuggle on the couch with my daughter for the whole day
- that unconditional love really did exist
- that your children really do grow up way too fast!


  1. I really enjoyed this post. I feel the same way and never knew I would.

  2. This post is so true. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Beautiful post...makes me even more excited to bring our baby home.

  4. Awww, so completely true. I wouldn't trade those "before" days for ANYTHING in the world.


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