Drum Roll Please.......

LITTLE M TOOK HER FIRST STEPS YESTERDAY!!! Like real steps, not the cruising, holding on to Mommy and Daddy's hands walking she was doing before. Steps all by herself!

I stood her up and she took her first two little steps.

We did it again and this time she took four.

Then five or six.

And another five or six.

It was AMAZING!!

She's not exactly standing up and walking all by herself yet; she still needs us to help her stand up. But she is well on her way to walking like a big girl!!

I was hoping to have a video to accompany this post, but Little M has decided she doesn't want her elementary walking publicized just yet. But don't you worry, I am determined to have a video by the end of the weekend!


  1. yay yay yay!! she's growing up SO fast!!!

  2. YAY! Good for her!!! I hope you get video up soon. (And tell me how to do it when you figure it out) :)

  3. Yay!!! That's so exciting!! I can't wait to see the video.


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