Happy Birthday Little M!

At exactly 8:39 pm tonight, my Little M will turn ONE. She is no longer a baby anymore, but a toddler. It is a crazy mix of emotions I am feeling tonight. I love, love *love* the stage she is in now. She is mobile and laughs. She claps her hands when happy and gives the best little hugs. She eats real food and loves snuggling on the couch with Skip and I. But as I look back on how fast this year has flown by, I know that before I know it she will be 5, 10, 20 and moving on with her life. I wish I could keep her just how she is forever. {I do also occasionally miss her as a newborn, when everything was so fresh and new, and she was happiest just falling asleep in my arms all day}

We had a great day today. We just hung out as a family...it was such a gift that Skip was off today!! We got up and opened presents. Then we went to church and after went to the diner for some pancakes!

We spent the afternoon watching football, eating cake, and then took Little M for a walk in her new Radio Flyer wagon.
We ordered pizza for dinner and Little M really seemed to like it! {that's my girl!} We finished up the night watching her new birthday Elmo DVD and put her to bed.

I cannot believe all that has happened in the past year. It has been the greatest, most rewarding year of my life. I could not love my Little M more!!!


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