My Thanks

I have so so so many things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving! Here is my list of both the big and little things I am thankful for.

- My amazing daughter. The love I have for her is overpowering and all-consuming.

- My husband. I fall more in love with him every day.

- My family who is always there to support me.

- My friends who have always been there, through good times and bad.

- Our military, who make this day possible for us to celebrate this day in happiness and freedom.

- A roof over our heads.

- Food on the table.

- My husband making it possible for me to be a stay-at-home mom.

- My two puppies. They give the most unconditional love ever.

- Diet explanation needed
- Chocolate and pizza, my favorite food groups!

- The New York Giants, because they {sometimes} give me something to look forward to every week

- You, my blogging friends! I am amazed at the friendships I have formed and the support I receive from you!

- Elmo, for the joy he brings to Little M's face!

- And most importantly, God. For making sure no one is every alone.



  1. You have so much to be thankful for! I'm thankful to have you as a blog friend too! :)

    I can't wait to see pictures of her elmo party! I wish I could see her face when she see's all the elmo stuff. I loved elmo as a kid, I hope our little one does too!

  2. I love your list! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!


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