So Sorry

A huge apology to all my blogging friends. I feel like I have been very MIA recently, both from posting and commenting. I have been having some severe back pain recently and it is just throwing me off completely. I've had the same pain several times is caused by stress...but Id never had it for two weeks before! I finally started to feel some relief yesterday though and feel like I'm getting back to my old self. {Although of course I woke up with a headache this morning, ugh} But I appreciate all the comments on the few posts I have put up and will be responding back! I have been reading all your blogs, but apologize for the lack of commenting. I have lots to tell you and will be getting back to normal again soon!!


  1. I'm so sorry that your back has been hurting you. I'm glad you have been given some relief...I hope your back pain and headache goes away because we miss you! :)

  2. Sorry to hear about your back. It's so hard to take care of the little one when you're in pain! Glad you're getting some relief now.


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