The Perfect Man

Tuesday was a long day with Little M. She must have been gassy or teething or both, because she did not stop screaming Skip was home with us, but since his family was over for a visit I took over all the M care so he could relax and spend some time with them.

Needless to say, by the end of the night I was beyond exhausted. Skip told me he would get up with the baby in the morning and I could sleep in a bit.

I expected a tiny little face to appear and crawl all over me to wake me up around 9, maybe 10 if he was feeling really generous. The two of them did wake me up for a minute just to say they were going out, but I fell right back to sleep.

Then something happened. Something that hasn't happened since before Little M was born. I woke up naturally, no baby crying, no alarm. And do you know what time it was!?!?! 11:45!!!!!!! It was AMAZING! I haven't slept in that late in almost a year!!!

Sleeping in was the greatest gift Skip could have given me, but that was not the only one I got yesterday. When I came downstairs I was greeted by these:

One of my favorite candies!!

There was a bagel and another roll too, but I ate them before I took the pictures.

LOVE my gorgeous flowers!

Yeah I think I'll keep him!


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