A Year in Review

Here's a little review in pictures from my year in 2009!

Little M got to watch her very first Superbowl {and no the Giant's weren't actually in it!}

And Skip turned 27!


First Valentine's Day with my love

First family trip to the beach

Little M had her first real taste of solid food

Celebrated her first Easter

And went to her first Draft Day at Giant's Stadium


We spent the warm days taking walks and relaxing as a family. Little M got much better at tummy time!


Little M was baptized and welcomed into our church

And she took her first solo trip to the beach with Mommy!


First Fourth of July

First trip to the zoo

Skip and I celebrated four years of wedded bliss
And we took many more road trips to the beach


First time in a baby pool
Little M began to crawl!


Little M became extremely more mobile and we had to think of creative ways to keep her contained!


Little M picked and 'carved' her first pumpkin
I celebrated my 27th {23rd haha} birthday!
First Halloween as a bear


Just walking around
First Thanksgiving
Our baby turns ONE!
Such a big girl

We reinstated our annual Christmas party
Full time walker!
Christmas baby

I can't wait to see what 2010 brings to our little family!


  1. Love, Love, Love the pictures! I can't believe how much her hair grew in the last few months! Her hair was short for valentines and not too long in July and August!

    She is such a beautiful baby girl!

  2. Look at all the cute outfits! I want a girl! Is she just so fun to dress up. I think that is all I care about, the dress up part!

  3. Looks like such a great year!!! Happy New Year!!!

  4. Aw, looks like you had a wonderful year!!! Hope 2010 is just as amazing!

  5. your daughter is adorable!
    you should go to
    www.monkeybuttbows.com and register for a chance to win a free bow of your choice...


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