Christmas Eve

We had a wonderful Christmas Eve. We visited with my Grandma in the morning and went to my parent's house for dinner that night. Little M had a great time because she got to eat her very first {mini} ice-cream cone and got to open her presents from her Aunt E. She was *ecstatic* to receive the new Elmo Live Encore. It is definitely one of her favorite toys! Here are some pictures from all evening. All of them are taken by my bog sister L. I *love* her photography skills!

Sticking out her tongue
Just hanging out

Princess M
My loves
Santa baby!

Ice cream cone!
Opening her gifts
She's very excited!
Pure joy
Her face says it all!


  1. She is TOO cute in those pigtails!! I love the ice cream picture; I can't imagine now how great that first taste of ice cream ever must've been!

  2. Nothing beats your first taste of ice cream! I wish she could explain how yummy it is!

    I LOVE the last picture, she has pure joy written all over her beautiful face!

  3. I'm so glad you guys had a great holiday with your family. Your sister took wonderful pictures, and little M's pigtails are super cute.

  4. She's adorable! (As always) Those are some great pictures for your holiday.

  5. JC Penny! They have great deals on ties right now!

  6. She is so cute! Love the pictures. Have a happy and safe new years!

  7. WOW...she just gets cuter and cuter!!! She is so beautiful! Looks like she really had a great time. :)


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