14 Months Go by in a Flash

My little girl is 14 months old today, so I thought it was a good time to do an update post on her!

- She is growing like a weed. She hasn't been to the doctor since her 12 month visit, so I'm not sure how big she is but it's definitely over 20 lbs.

- She has officially become a toddler....walking, running, and getting into EVERYTHING!

- She sleeps from 7:00 pm until between 7:30 and 8:30 am {yay!} but only takes a one hour nap once a day from 2:00 pm till 3:00 pm

- When she climbs the stairs she puts her feet down, not her knees anymore. And if you hold her hand she walks up them just like a big girl!

- She babbles all day long! We can't figure out most of what she says but her official list of words is as follows:
Hello {or something like that}
Taaan {her version of thanks}
What's this?
Who's this?
Who is it?{she only said it once, but it counts!}
Uh oh

-She says 'Mmmmm' when she wants you to give her a kiss {best thing ever!}

- She gives hugs and pats your back while she is hugging

- She has 6 teeth

- She eats a pretty decent variety of real food, but refuses to eat any kind of meat

- She finally started drinking a little bit of juice, only if it's mixed with mostly water

- She always pretends she's on the phone when I am..or even if my phone rings!

- Her favorite thing to do is make huge splashes in the bathtub

- Elmo is still her favorite character in the whole world

- She obeys lots of simple commands

- Whenever I ask her "Where's Daddy?" she runs and looks out the window

- She gets frustrated when she can't tell us what she wants, so she just screams {not fun, let me tell you}

- She can climb on and off the couch all by herself

- She gets the biggest smile and squeals whenever Skip comes home

I just can't believe how big she has gotten! My little baby is definitely growing up!


  1. Oh she is just so so cute! Love her. My little one has just really started babbling, all the time. I love it!!

  2. Oh adorable. I love the list! She's such a sweetheart.

  3. Wow. Those are some major milestones! I love that she asks for kisses. So sweet! Jack also pats when he hugs, and I think it's the sweetest thing ever. It's fun to see what M can do, and thing that Jack may be doing the same things in just a few months. (he's 2 months behind). I can't believe she can climb on the couch and walk up the stairs like a big girl holding your hand! That seems so far away!

    Great post. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Very sweet - my oldest will be 14 years - hard to believe - seems just like yesterday - she was pretending to talk on the phone.. it just flies by.
    Love to you

  5. It goes so fast, doesn't it?? My "baby" is 18 months old now. I can't quite get over that.

    Cute picture! She's a doll!

  6. Happy 14 months beautiful baby girl! I can't believe how quickly she is growing up! It is amazing how much she can do and all that she has learned. I know you must be one proud mama!


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