
I rang in the new year with some friends at a local bar

Skip had to work but made it there just before midnight!!

We had a bowling party for Skip's 26th birthday

We nervously watched the Giant's continue on each week of the playoffs

Skip and I rejoiced when we discovered WE WERE GOING TO HAVE A BABY!!!! {this is not actually my picture...i just got it from google....but I did take the same tests!}

We sold our condo and said goodbye to it before moving into our very first house!

We went on a wonderful {though I would never do it 10 weeks pregnant again} trip to Paris...it had always been my dream!

I got to see the Lombardi Trophy up close and personal at Draft Day

I said goodbye to my kids and fellow staff and 'retired' from teaching

My belly started to grow!

My big sis L and I went on a trip to Florida

To celebrate the wedding of one of my military boys

And my belly got bigger there too

When I got home, Skip and I added a new member to our already growing family
And my belly got bigger

And bigger

One of my Marine's Girls got married!

And my belly got bigger

And bigger!

I got to meet Tiki Barber again!! {this is the last picture of my pregnant, btw...4 days before I gave birth!!}


I became a Mommy

Skip became a Daddy

We began our new life as parents

Little M's first holiday...Christmas!
Finally a family of three {or five if you include the dogs!}


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