Don't Be Shy...Say Hello!

I've seen this on a bunch of blogs recently, and even though I don't think it's the 'official' delurking week, I'm making it mine! I'd love to get to know all of my readers better so leave a comment to say hi, ask me a question, or tell me who you think is going to win the Superbowl! {It's the Indianapolis Colts vs. the New Orleans Saints in case you didn't know} Hope to hear from all of you soon!


  1. Hi. Though I don't lurk... I comment! Hi anyway.

  2. I'm not a lurker however, I do think the Saints are gonna win!

  3. HELLO!I asked my hubs cause I really don't know all that much and he says the Colts!

  4. That's really there an official de-lurking week?

  5. My hubby is a huge Colts fan so therefore I have to root for the Colts!

    I am not a lurker, I just wanted to say hello!


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