Happy Anniversary to Me!!

Today is another milestone in my life as a blogger...my one year blogging anniversary! I began this blog one year ago today at the urging of my big sister L. She had been telling me for years to start a blog about football {my obsession} I never thought I would have the time or that people would care what I had to say.

I obviously did not make this blog all about football, but instead decided to dedicate it to the 10 week old baby girl I was at home with, struggling to be a good mom to. As the first in my family and of my friends to have a child I felt like I had no where to turn for good advice. Until I 'met' all of you! I love all the advice and support I have gotten over the year...it really made me feel like I wasn't alone!

Another reason I love my blog is I love have a record of Little M's life. I'm not very good at recording these things in her baby book or a scrap book, but I have it all on here...the good and bad. I think it will be a great record for me to look back on one day when she is all grown up!

A huge thank you to all of my followers and readers. It still blows my mind away that this many of you want to read what I have to say! I've enjoyed reading all of your stories, and hope you've enjoyed reading mine!

In honor of my First Blogiversary, I am doing my first ever giveaway!!! {it's not on here because I still need to take pictures of what I'm giving away...oooops!} So check back here later today!!!


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