Mommy Question

This is a question for all your mommies out there. When do you take away your child's bottle? Little M drinks water out of her sippy cup, and has for a few months {she only drinks water because she doesn't like juice...any kind....I still can't figure that one out} But we are still giving her milk in her bottle. She gets a bottle in the morning when she wakes up, another when she gets up from her afternoon nap, and one more before bed. Should we try and give them to her in her sippy cup? I haven't even attempted it yet because I'm just not sure.


  1. Mine never really had a bottle. All of them have nursed and then around 6-9 months I would give them a sippy cup with just water in it while they sat in the high chair and I made dinner. Not only did it keep them entertained ithelped them figure it out, that way when they weaned around about 11-12mths they just went straight to the sippy cup.


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