
Thanks to all the good wishes and prayers the snow held off {in fact we still haven't gotten any!} and Skip and I were able to go on our date night! It was the best date I have ever been on. It felt like it did back when we were first dating and everything was new and exciting. It was just so much fun. Unfortunately I forgot to take some pictures of us all dressed up:( Sorry guys!

First we went to dinner. I was *starving* by the time we got there, so I was glad we only had to wait 10 minutes for a table. I started off with this...

Then we split this as an appetizer {it is the sampler...we got the fried mozzarella and calamari}.....

I had one of the new dishes for my main course and it was delicious!.....

And I of course had to have this for's my favorite!!!......

We had some time to kill before the movie started, so we just drove around where we used to live for a while...we used to do that all the time when we first got married, so it was really fun. Finally it was time to see this....

Dear John was amazing. Parts of it are very different from the book, but I liked the way the movie explained some of it better than the book. I liked it so much I wish it was already out on DVD so I could buy it and watch it again! Haha. Even Skip said it was pretty good. I think it was all the military stuff that really held his interest the most. Definitely run out and see it though!

All in all it was exactly what Skip and I needed...a romantic, relaxing night out to reconnect as a couple, not parents.


  1. Great to hear you had such a good time!

  2. your dinner sounds delightfully yummy! we also saw dear john...oh wow, i sobbed, laughed and cried! i'm actually at the movies to watch it again!

  3. I'm so glad you had such a great date!

  4. I am glad you had a great date night! I just read "Dear John" and I thought of you while reading it and how hard it must of been to have your loved one stationed overseas! I can't wait to se it!

  5. Just reading this post makes me hungry! Glad you had a great date.


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