Friday Date Night

Pending the snow {which better not get here until waaay after midnight} Skip and I are going on a date night tonight!!! A real one. A dinner and a movie on Friday night date night. I cannot even remember the last time this happened! I have been excited about it for weeks!

Thanks to my baby sister and her boyfriend and their fabulous baby-sitting skills, we are going to dinner at the Olive Garden. {don't judge...that place is awesome!} Then we are headed to a late night showing of this

I seriously cannot wait. It will be so nice to just spend a few hours together as husband and wife, and not as parents. {though we will miss Little M dearly!}

Now if you'll excuse me I must go workout, shower, do my nails, hair, make-up, put on some HEELS{!!!} and get all ready for my man...oh yeah and keep on praying that no flakes touch down in northern Jersey until after midnight...thanks!


  1. I almost feel giddy for you, like you're going on a first date!

    I haven't been on a date with my husband since Jack was 2 months old. But we are going on a date on Feb 14 - my friend gave us Blue Jackets (hockey) tickets and said "I'm watching Jack!!"

    Hope you have a wonderful night! And hope the snow holds off. We're getting beautiful big snowflakes now. My husband's office is letting him off at 1:30 - fun!

  2. Have a wonderful time! Keeping fingers crossed for no snow til you two are home from your date!

  3. Jealous! Have fun! I so want to see that movie.

  4. I will keep my fingers crossed that no snow comes your way until you are snuggled in bed with your honey! Take a picture of you all dolled up...Skip is one lucky man! I love Olive Garden as well...mmmm!

    I'm rereading the book right now and I told G that he has to take me to this movie tonight...he said can we do it another night and I was like HECK NO! I can't wait to watch it!

    Have tons of fun two deserve a date night!

  5. I hope you had a wonderful date! And Olive Garden is so yummy

  6. Olive Garden is one of my favorites! :) I am jealous of your date night, we are supposed to have one on Wednesday! Can't wait!


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