No More Peeping

Do you remember this post about how Skip and I check on Little M every night? Well my dad read the post {thanks for always reading Dad!}. I think he was worried about his little granddaughter and the fact that we were unnecessarily waking her up almost every night. So a few days later he picked up this for us!

We were so excited!!!! A video monitor is something I had always wanted, but I thought of it as an extravagant extra that I didn't really need. But now that we have it I don't know how we lived without it before! And I'm pleased to announce that Little M is no longer woken up in the middle of the night by her creepy parents staring at her, haha.


  1. I was just reading a debate on this vs a movement monitor on a friend's facebook feed, and a lot of moms said that the video monitor was the best! Definitely a great way to check on her without waking her up!! Yay for Granddad!

  2. I am a new follower! Your duaghter is adorable!

  3. This is weird but, my husband and I already have a picture monitor like that! We got it from someone that never used there's and was in need of unloading a lot of their baby stuff.
    We don't have children yet (you know, trying) but I am all for free stuff. As I'm sure anyone is! One day we will have a baby and we'll be able to use all the great things we got from our friends!
    By the way, baby M is adorable!!!!

  4. Those are great! Enjoy it (and the peace of mind that will come with it!!)

  5. ummm, I cant believe you didnt have one already!? It is hands down the most important thing we registered for...I would prob die without it. really.

  6. what a nice dad!all i ever had was the speaker ones,technology these days,AWESOME!

  7. haha the last sentence was halarious. Yor dad is awsome for getting that for you1

  8. Way to go Grandpa!!! That's great. I love mine, especially since it was a hand-me-down from a friend. The only thing I didn't like about it was lugging the monitor up and down the stairs for naps and night time. But I got over it. :)


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