
We took Little M to the doctor today {yeah in the raging snowstorm} for her 15 month visit. While he was asking her about all of her milestones {which she has reached!} he asked us if she scribbles yet. Ummm, what? I never thought my 15 month daughter was old enough to start her coloring career. Apparently I was wrong.

So being the calm, relaxed mother who never ever worries that her child is behind her peers in any way, I broke out the crayons and paper as soon as we got home. I used a crayon like this one so it was easier for her to hold.

She seemed to really like it and here are the results! {yes I am already looking into art schools because obviously she's a prodigy!}


  1. How cute.

    Also, good to know about the "coloring milestone."

  2. I LOVE the little scribbles! It's fun to see how it changes every few months too. Those first scribbles are so precious though.

  3. How cute! You have a lil genius on your hands..Im sure of it :)

  4. I love the scribbles! I'm absolutely certain you have the next Piccasso on your hands! :)

    We break out the art supplies every once in a while too. I, like you, didn't realize how earlier they would use them!


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