Travel Advice Needed

As the snow started falling tonight {grrrr} I looked up at the calendar and remembered that in just four weeks Skip, Little M, and I will be packing up the car and road-tripping to sunny, warm Florida! Skip's parents and aunt and uncle are spending the winter down there and we are going to stay with them for a few days of relaxation. But I've never taken such a long roadtrip with a 14 month old before. In fact I've never been in a car that long myself! So I'm asking advice from anyone who has done something like this before. Tips, special things to pack, etc. All advice welcome!


  1. We took Preston for a trip to the Oregon Coast when he was 10 months and it was about a 10 hour drive! I was so nervous. But he did great. We packed books, snacks, favorite toys, new toys. But the lifesaver on our trip was the headrest tvs. We bought one that just looped around a headrest and popped in some movies. At the time his favorites were Baby Einstein. We still use the tvs now! Just with different shows/movies. If you can I would borrow/invest/some how get your hands on one of those, they've worked wonders for our drives! Good luck! I'm sure she'll do soooooo much better than you're expecting! I was a nervous wreck about that first big trip now we're going again and I'm not worried at all! And fun, I've always wanted to go to Florida!

  2. I'm going to Florida next week. When I get back I'll let you know what worked for us!

  3. My advice isn't for the trip itself, but where you're going. Will you have to bring EVERYTHING she needs with you? pack-n-play, booster seat, stroller. If you can, borrow or ship those items down to meet you. Or ship them home if you end up with a bunch of souvenirs to bring back. My friend from CA flew out to see us and borrowing saved her a ton of packing. Just a though. I haven't taken any trips longer than 3 hours with Jack. Hopefully she'll sleep a lot! You could always travel at night.

  4. We have driven from Texas (as in Central TX) to Mississippi with the Wee One and the best advice I have is to stop at decent truck/rest stops frequently. Give little M and yourself a chance to roam about for just 5 minutes, force yourself to go to the bathroom and change her too. Even if she isn't full you seriously don't want to pull over on the side of a highway to change her soaked diaper and clothes because there was no other place to stop.
    Make sure to pack lots of snacks, toys, and books. James Bond and I would actually take turns sitting in the back seat with him to play games and keep him entertained.



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