Valentine's Day

I have always loved Valentine's Day {okay, maybe I was a little bitter about it when I was single, but deep down I always loved it} I love the idea of it. I know that everyone says it is just a made-up Hallmark holiday and people should show their love for one another every day, not just this day. And I believe that 100%. But I also like that there is one day that we can pause and take time to show love to the special ones in our lives.

I also don't think that it has to just be about romantic love. Today should also be a day to show love to your family and friends...even pets! The people who complete your life.

And let's be honest...all the chocolate and candy hearts aren't too bad either ;)

We had a nice relaxing day as a family. Skip took off of work today so he could hang out with me and Little M. We had a pretty typical day {with the opening of some gifts this morning. Little M got a 'love' shirt...Skip got some candy, and I got some candy, flower, and 'The Time Traveler's Wife'}

For dinner we decided we wanted to spend it with Little M, so we all went to dinner at Friendly's. Little M was soooo good and ate an entire children's portion of mac and cheese and half my ice cream! Even though we were there for an hour and a half, she didn't fuss once.

After we came home and put her to bed Skip and I watched my new movie. It was so good and I highly recommend it!

So I hope you all had a nice relaxing day with your loved ones. Happy Valentine's Day bloggy world!

ps....don't forget to enter my giveaway below!


  1. Sounds like a great Valentine's Day!

    I've always loved Valentine's Day too. Even when I was single. Although I definitely like it more now that I have a perma-Valentine.

  2. That sounds like a really wonderful day! Happy Valentine's Day!

  3. Glad to hear you had a great Valentines Day!!

  4. I love that movie! Definitely a good Valentine's Day gift! And how fabulous that Little M decided to sit nicely through Valentine's dinner!? Lucky you!

  5. Sounds like you had a great day! Just found your blog, you have a beautiful family!

  6. Really? You post and say you got Miss M a shirt and then don't post a picture of her wearing it, you are a meanie for holding out on us!

    I love valentines too! We don't celebrate it with the rest of the world but I still love the pink and red colors and I can't wait to celebrate our valentines in April (the day we had our first date). When we have a kid, we will celebrate February for them and April for us, lol!

    Anyways, sounds like you guys had a great valentines...hurry up with the picture! :)

  7. Glad you had a great love day, we did too!


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