A Few Girlie Touches

I have been making a few touches to Little M's room recently. We didn't find out the sex of the baby before she was born, so everything was very gender-neutral. But now that she's here I want her to have a few splashes of pink. Since her walls are a very pale green {even though you can't tell very well from these pictures}, it works nicely. Here are the two projects I've been working on recently....

I bought these foam letters at Michaels, along with the ribbon {it is a deep pink with green polka dots...perfect!} I painted the letters myself and then just glued on the ribbon.

I got these mirrors last week at the dollar store!! {which I am currently obsessed with} They had a tan frame so I just painted them the same color as the letters and added on the leftover ribbon I had. I am so happy with the way these came out!

I will be posting some pictures of her whole room soon, so you can see the finished product!


  1. Love your pink, crafty touches!

  2. Great ideas! I love the mirrors! I like how you used ribbons on them like the letters. You're one crafty Mama! :)


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