Dark and Wet

We've been busy in my little section of the country the past few days. Hurricane force winds, 7 inches of rain in one day, flooding, power outages, and tons and tons of trees down. You know, all fun stuff. The storm began Saturday and raged into Monday. My best friend J had to stay with us Saturday and Sunday night since she didn't have any power or heat...and with my husband working crazy hours it was nice to have some company. Our friend D had to come over to charge his Blackberry and soak in some warmth and light as he was also without both. And you all saw pictures of the pond in my backyard.

But by Monday night the storm was over, all our friends had gotten their power and heat back, and Skip and I were looking forward to a relaxing evening watching The Secret Life of the American Teenager {don't judge that show is fabulous!} Skip was heading upstairs to put Little M to bed when all of a sudden OUR POWER WENT OUT!! 'Are you freakin kidding me!!!' I yelled. Of course we are the only people who lose power three days AFTER the storm.

After being on hold to our power company for what felt like forever, we found out that they had cut our power in order to fix some of the other power outages in the area. Apparently it would have been too much trouble for them to give us a little warning about this! Oh yeah and they couldn't even tell us when it would be back on.

Two and a half candle-lit hours later though, our lights and heat finally came back on. I was so happy thinking we had gotten away with so little problems. However I should have known better than to relax.

As soon as the power came back on Skip went into our dark scary basement to make sure we hadn't gotten any water in the basement because when you lose power, your sump pump apparently also stops working. So what do you think...do you think we got water or was it nice and dry??

Yeah right, of course we got water! About an inch and a half in some spots. And of course we have tons of storage in the basement. After about four hours of moving things upstairs, doing laundry {because some of Little M's baby clothes got wet and I refused to lose them!}, throwing lots of stuff out, and sweeping all the water into the now working sump pump, our basement was empty and dry.

It could have been a lot worse, and Skip could have been at work and I would have had to deal with all of this myself, but seriously I'm done with Mother Nature. No more snow, no more rain....I'm moving to the desert.

{not really, but some days I would like to!}


  1. I'm glad you guys had minimal damage and just had to deal with annoying stuff. I hope the sun stays out for your guys for a while.

  2. Holy crap! I would have been livid with the power company! Thanks for the warning and what makes your power any less important than someone elses? UGH! And four hours or rearranging your basement bc of them. Jerks! I would have done the same thing rewashing the baby clothes. I'm so crazy about those kinds of things my husband thinks it's hilarious! I'm glad it all worked out in the end. :) And you got to take a little trip down memory lane with those baby clothes!


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