Early Reader

This is what happens when I am desperate to entertain Little M while I clean the kitchen

What? I'm just reading it!


  1. Very cute. I'm glad you got something done. It does seem a bit like we're playing beat the clock all day, doesn't it?

  2. YUP!!!! Sometimes you just have to let them at it, so you can get some work done! Jack is now 'reading' paper. He babbles just like he's reading something on the pages. It's so adorable. :)

  3. Haha!!! I love it! I do the exact same thing, anything to keep them occupied for a few minutes so you can get something done!

  4. I have the same situation at my house too! It seems like every time you try to clean something a new mess is made. But it keeps them occupied, I guess!

  5. Mandy, I just wanted to thank you for all your sweet comments! I read your blog daily (whenever you update) but it sucks commenting from my phone. I'm rarely home these days. I love little M in these pictures...she knows how to read a paper!!


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