Got the Animals, Now Waiting for Noah...

What's this a picture of you might ask? Some adorable ducks swimming peacefully in a nearby pond.But wait a second....why is there a fence surrounding the pond? And a garage at the edge of it??
Well in answer to your questions...there is a fence and garage around the pond because the pond is in MY BACK YARD!!!! And no it wasn't there previously. Having waterfront property is a new exciting chapter in our lives today.

Thankfully The Mrs. has her dash boys making me an arc. Because I'm definitely going to need it!!!


  1. Holy cow! M R DUCKS!

    If I see a lot of pairs of animals I'm going to show up at your house and I'm bringing a life jacket.

  2. I can't believe that is your backyard! I would be freaking out! Does that happen every year? Now you can do swim lessons for little M in your very own backyard! :P

  3. I spent most of my life living on the Ohio River so I know all about flooding! Eek!



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