I'm With You Sandy

I normally don't blog about politics or celebrities or anything on here because I try to keep this blog just about me and my family. But I have to throw my two cents in on this whole Jesse James thing. First off, seriously dude WHO CHEATS ON SANDRA BULLOCK???!?!?!? How dumb are you. But I am so happy to hear that Sandra has moved out of the house. I am so tired of all these women 'standing by their man' when they openly cheat on them. It's just disgusting. Women do not need a man to support them, so I don't know why these women stay. Good for you Sandy. We all support you!

Okay, rant done. Post to follow about what's been going on with us!


  1. I'm glad someone else out there thinks women who stay with cheaters are just morons. I am so out of the celeb gossip loop I didn't even know this was happening. Jesse James is a total loser!


    I must now go read some gossip columns.


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