It's Good to Have Pals

For just over a year, I was worried about Little M. She had no lovies! No specific toys she wanted when she was sad, no blankey she took to bed. And it was not from a lack of trying on my part. I was constantly trying to force different lovies on her. "Skip, she's not normal...every kid has a certain toy she loves" I would cry to my husband {as you can see I'm totally rational about everything to do with my daughter}

Well about a month ago Little M started favoring these two guys.

She now wants these two 'pals' as we call them whenever she naps or goes to sleep at night. She wakes up holding them and snuggles with them at night. Sigh...all is right in the world:)


  1. This is encouraging to me. Jack hasn't really found his one true LOVIE either. And I'm always trying to 'force' it. There are three friends he sleeps with now, but I'm not sure it's what he wants or not. They're the ones he lights up over when I mention their names, so maybe they're slowly becoming his lovies. I try to rotate who we take in the van with us to see if I see a difference. If he likes all three, then so be it. :) (one is Buddy Bear, who we took his progression pictures with, and he's a little too big to go in the van with us) :)


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