Vacation Pics

Sorry, these are out of order and I'm just too lazy to fix it!
Outside the Marine Corps Museum
National Museum of the Marine Corps
Driving and driving and driving some more!
So happy to be driving the last 5 hours home!
Skip at the bar in our suite at the Ramada...*love* that place!
Little M's favorite hotel activity...pulling out all the tissues!
Playing on the bed
She loved playing in the big king-sized bed!
Visiting some friends on the way home

Empty baby pool as a make-shift playpen....Little M was not happy
Palm trees
Check out how windy it was!
My two loves enjoying a little sunshine...Little M obviously not happy about being held


  1. Looks like you guys had a great time! Little M looks so big these days...did she have a growth spurt?

    I haven't been to FL but it is on my list of places I would like to visit. The Marine Corps Museum looks cool.

    Love the sunglasses, I have a pair like that and my brothers call me bug eyes, lol! :)

  2. Great pictures!! looks like you guys had an awesome time, I want to go on vacation now!! You have such a beautiful family!

  3. Looks like fun! I know you said it was cold but in your photos the weather looks gorgeous! Bright blue skies! Really makes me wish that we were on vacation.

    Your hotel room looks lovely too! Preston loves pulling the tissues out too! Drives me up a wall, I shove them back in and he does it all over again. lol


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