And the Allergies Begin

This is a staple in our household. Skip and I are huge fans of peanut butter. My favorite way to eat it is by dipping a huge chunk of chocolate into it...heaven. And we use this brand in particular because, well, my husband's nickname is Skip! Anyways, like I said we eat a lot of peanut butter around here.
Well, there is one person in our house who will not be eating peanut butter again...this little girl
We were giving Little M some lunch today and she was being very fussy and picky. So we decided to try some of these delicious peanut butter crackers

Little M gobbled one down, but then just crumpled up the second, so we didn't give her any more. We cleaned her up and Skip took her upstairs to change her diaper. When he brought her back downstairs I noticed she kept rubbing her eyes and her face was getting all blotchy. Then her eyes starting watering and swelling up. 'Oh no,' I said, 'it's the peanut butter!'
We quickly called the doctor and then confirmed our suspicious. They said to give her a tiny bit of Benadryl and keep on eye on her. By the time she went to bed tonight the splotchiness was gone, though her right eye is still a little swollen. We're going to have to take her to an allergist soon to find out the extend to which she's allergic to peanut butter and see what else she needs to stay away from. But sadly there will be no peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in this girl's future:(
Hopefully she is just allergic to peanuts, the little boy I nanny for has almond peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and they are mighty tasty! Poor little M, she is missing on so many yummy peanut butter snacks!! :(
ReplyDeleteI'm glad she's okay. I hope it's just peanuts.
ReplyDeleteI am glad that she is ok as well. I would hate to be allergic to peanut butter! My niece has SEVERE allergies that just started to get better, my SIL went through a lot. We go through so much as moms!
ReplyDeleteOh, that's so sad. I wouldn't know what to do without peanut butter!! I'm glad it wasn't too severe, and that it cleared (mostly)up by bedtime. Poor little thing.
ReplyDeleteWell that's good she's ok now. So many kids just can't eat it.
ReplyDeleteIck, food allergies are scary!