Busy Bee

As I began making dinner tonight for myself, Skip, Little M, and Skip's uncle and grandmother, I mentioned to Skip that I had not read any blogs at all yet today. His response? 'Are you feeling okay baby?' Haha. Needless to say blogging has become a huge part of my life. A part I love! But also the part that seems to have fallen at the wayside recently. Having a toddler is soo much more exhausting than a newborn. I may get more straight hours of sleep at night, but gone are the hours of blogging and watching TV while snuggling on the couch with a newborn. Before 9 pm tonight the only times I had sat down all day were when I was in the car running errands and during dinner. And even then I was getting up every 2 minutes to get something for Little M to eat, or pick up something she had dropped. I love, love, LOVE everything about my life and being home with Little M, but boy is it exhausting! I am happy though that a lot of my lack of blogging and commenting has to do with the fact that we have all been spending a ton of time outside recently enjoying the sunshine and warmth. I won't take any of these beautiful days for granted! So I do apologize for my lack of blogging and commenting {though I do catch up on all your blogs at some point during the day!} and promise to find more time to do it!

I also leave you with this cuteness....Little M having her afternoon snack of milk and a donut, relaxing in a short-sleeved onesie. Life doesn't get any better!


  1. It's funny - I was thinking the same exact thing! I'm sitting here, catching up on my 138 posts I haven't read yet! (I'm skipping around of course) Luckily your husband sounds like a support for you...mine, about 5 seconds ago, said "blogs are a waste of time!" Mmm-K honey. Thanks.

    Good luck getting caught up! :)

  2. Don't feel bad, I'm always behind in the blog world.

  3. I'm feeling the same exact way these days. Proof it's 11 at night and I *just* got Isaac to sleep. The difference between a newborn and a toddler is astounding.

  4. I feel the same way! I get a lot more sleep (recent development) but I am exhausted from chasing after her. I can't imagine how much more tiring it will get when she is walking! It really is making having a newborn seem like a snap.

  5. It seems like the older they get, the more difficult they become. And to think that I thought having a newborn was so hard!

    Enjoy the nice days! We've been having them as well, and it is so nice to not be cooped up in the house all day!

    Love the picture! :)


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