Scrubby Scrub

I am constantly on the lookout for beauty products you can make with ingredients in your own home. It's so much cheaper and I like having less 'stuff' around the house.

Tonight I was giving myself a pedicure and thought I would try a scrub I had read about somewhere {but I really can't remember where to give credit to it!} I combined some regular white sugar with enough olive oil to bind it all together.

Let me tell was amazing!! My feet are so smooth and super soft. I plan on using it in the shower later as a whole-body scrub. I have a lot left over so I am just going to store it in an old container I have. I'm sure adding some kind of essential oil would bring it to a whole new level. Go try it out tonight!


  1. Dude, I read to do that but add some incense if you have some and you can even put it in a jar and save it! LOVE saving money... and getting calluses off my feet...

  2. I want to do this too! I never have. I also would like to try making my own soap. Thanks for the reminder and the ideas!

  3. I am totally going to try this! My feet get so rough in the colder months and while I love going in for a pedicure that softness only lasts so long! It would be just lovely to be able to do it at home, for cheap! Plus Brad is always coming home with glue and stuff stuck to his hands after work, so this will work for both of us! Thanks for passing it along!


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