
Little M can get very fussy when she eats sometimes. From the moment she started eating a few finger foods, she was done letting us feed her anything! But recently she has been showing some interest in feeding herself some foods with a spoon. So I have been giving her some freedom with yogurt. It's very very messy, and I'm not sure how much is actually getting into her mouth, but I think it's important for her to learn to feed herself. Question to all the veteran moms out there though, when should a toddler be able to use utensils regularly? Enjoy the pics!

What am I supposed to do with this?

Eating the bottom of the container

'drinking' the yogurt

Concentrating very hard

She's got it!

Yay! I did it!


  1. It is so nerve racking letting your toddler use a utensil. At first it feels like you are cleaning up more food off the floor/high chair/them than they actually ate. However, it must be done.
    With the Wee One we started with just a spoon, I think it took us a few months before we let him progress to a fork. My husband had to practically tie me to my chair and not totally freak out at the mess because the Wee One had to figure it out.

    GOOD LUCK! Try to breath and laugh as much as possible.

  2. Sooo cute!

    I've never swept and mopped so often in my life since Sawyer has been feeding himself! Too fun!

  3. You're so brave. I cringe when I think about giving Jack a spoon. It gets everywhere!!! Good luck to Little M with figuring it all out! And good luck to you with cleaning it all up and remaining calm. :)

  4. I cannot remember when Preston actually seemed to get a handle on feeding himself. I do remember that we switched from carpet in our dining room to a wood laminate as a result of the MESS that he made learning how. lol


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