Spring Cleaning

I have been very busy around here recently with lots of spring cleaning! It's very hard to get much done with a toddler running around, so it is a long process. So far I have washed all my {downstairs} windows inside and out, bleached and sealed the grout in my kitchen, deep cleaned and shined up my hardwood floors, switched over my winter clothes to summer and donated three bags of old clothes, painted our 'deck' {it's what leads out to the backyard...not a real deck}, and have been working on various other home-decorating projects. And I'm not done yet! I will be dedicated separate blog posts to all the things I have done so maybe I can pass on some information and you can learn from my mistakes! Haha...what things have you all been doing for spring cleaning?


  1. Wow! You sound so busy. I baked cheese crackers today. Not all that exciting! But I'm on a mission to perfect these things! I still haven't gotten them right! :) (nice blog background and header! very pretty)

  2. Wow! I thought I was getting things done! No where near as much as you did! I'm excited to read about all of it!


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