Surprise Date

Yesterday was really a wonderful day. I started it off by going to get a manicure...thanks to my mom for watching Little M. Then I played with my little girl, had lunch, and put her down to nap. My baby sister surprised me and came over to babysit early so I could get ready without Little M under my feet. Skip came home at 3:30 and got ready too, and at 4:30 we headed out the door.

Skip promised me that he would let me know where we were going as soon as we left. So as we got in the car and started pulling away, he put on the music in the car. I instantly recognized the music and gasped when I realized we were going to see this:

PHANTOM OF TH OPERA ON BROADWAY!!!! I was ridiculously excited because it is my absolute favorite play. I saw it once in high school and just fell in love.

Anyways, first we went to dinner at a local restaurant and then headed into the city. It was a pretty warm night and perfect to stroll around a little before the show. I was so excited for myself, because I LOVE THIS SHOW, but also for Skip because he had never been to a Broadway play before....ever {which wouldn't be weird if he hadn't grown up 20 minutes outside the city} It was going to be great to share this experience with him.

We found our seats {TEN rows from the front, btw} the lights dimmed, and we were absolutely enthralled for the entire 2 1/2 hours. I literally get chills watching this play. There is definitely a reason this is the longest running play in Broadway history. If you haven't seen it, you really need to!

All in all it was a magically wonderful date night and I could not be more blessed to have such an amazing husband. I love you baby!


  1. Wow. What a wonderful surprise! Its so nice that he knows you so well and made such a romantic gesture.

  2. WOW!!!!!! That's the perfect date night! Phantom is one of my favorites. 10 rows from the front? That's awesome! I'm a little bit jealous. :) Glad you had such a great night.

  3. Aw, that sounds wonderful! He did good! Glad you had a great time together and could share the experience.

  4. I have seen Phantom so many times. I feel the same way about it that you do... chills as soon as I hear the music!!! What a great surprise...

  5. I am seriously soooooo jealous! Not only did he plan a night out for you two but Phantom of the Opera! And dinner alone, just the two of you! You are so lucky! And Skip did all of this and it wasn't even an anniversary!

    PS...I started the Shred today, OMG! I almost didn't survive! I kept reminding myself during the workouts how you said that your abs had never looked better than when you finished! lol


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