Diaper Containment

After much discussion {way more than a dirty diaper holder needs} and a lot of research and comment reading {thanks for all the input guys!}  Skip and I finally decided on a new diaper pail.  I headed out to Babies R Us {armed with some super fabulous coupons} and purchased this bad boy.
We have been using it for 5 days now and I'm in love.  I still don't like that I have to purchase separate bags, but the poop smell is gone!  We also haven't had to change the bag yet, so it definitely holds a lot of diapers.  I kind of wish we had gotten this when Little M was first born, but am happy we have it now!


  1. Hurry for no more stinky diapers!! Good to know that the diaper genie elite works, you know for the next baby!


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