Diaper Containment

I posted this on Twitter earlier, but I figured I'd write a blog post about it as well.  We are probably in the market for a new diaper pail.  I have been unhappy with ours for a while now, and yesterday the top part that pops open broke.  Seems like a sign to me!

When I was registering for my shower when I was pregnant with Little M, I registered for this diaper pail.

It was cheap, uncomplicated, and I didn't need special bags for it.  It worked out pretty well when Little M was a newborn and we went through so many diapers we changed the bag almost every day.  But now that Little M is older and we don't have to change the bag as much, things are getting pretty stinky in there.  So like I said, I'd been thinking of getting a new one and the blue top breaking yesterday might just be the push we need!

Now, I'm still against the idea of having to buy special garbage bags for the diaper pail.  I think it's silly and expensive.  However, I also am willing to concede that they probably are the only way to contain the smell.  So what diaper pail do you use?  Do you like it?  Does it contain the smell?  How expensive are the bags?  All input is welcome!!


  1. I use a regular plastic trash bag and a small plastic trash bin (like the ones for bathrooms) and empty it every night. Mother of two in diapers. Also fellow cop's wife.

  2. I mostly cloth diaper. We just toss our disposables in the kitchen trash. It get empties pretty much every other day and the smell gets masked by other kitchen trash smells. I don't know if that helps you or not but it works for us.

  3. I'm not sure how much help I'm going to be. We never used a diaper pail. I've always just done one of two things. Either I drop the diaper directly into our outside garbage since we keep it right next to the house. If my aim if right I don't even have to step outside!! Or I stick it in a plastic grocery bag and toss it by my front door and toss it out when I leave or as I walk by the door. I was always worried about the smell escaping the pails so I never bought one! Good luck!

  4. We have the Diaper Genie 2 Elite. I love it, yes you have to buy special bags, but Walmart and Target both now carry generic brands that work just as well as the Diaper Genie brand. We go through 1 cartridge every two weeks. And the cartridges are only $4-$5 a piece.

  5. We don't. We take out the trash every day or tie it up in a plastic grocery bag.


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