Grey's Anatomy

If you have not watched the season finale of Grey's Anatomy yet, then stop reading now and head to the nearest TV and check it out!  I have been watching Grey's for years and while some seasons are better than others, my love of it has never waived.  But I was COMPLETELY blown away by Thursday's episode.

I went over to my friend J's house as I do every Thursday.  We literally spent the entire two hours holding each other in fear and sobbing.  I was completely wrapped up in the story and acting that I felt like I was really there in the hospital {I know it's just a TV show... but it was really that good!}

It was so powerful that I had to on demand it and rewatch the whole thing again on Friday.  And let me tell you, I cried just as hard the second time.

Here are just a few of my thoughts on the episode! {in no particular order}
- Did the shooter also shoot the car accident guy in the beginning?
- Stupid April got Derek shot....I know she was grieving over Reed, but come on!
- Alex still loves Izzy, not Lexie
- Lexie really loves Mark, she just told Alex she loves him because she thought he was dying and wanted keep him alive
- Is Dr. Webber going to be the chief again now?
- The SWAT team would have gone in with more than 5 guys and would have gotten the shooter when they shot him the first time
- Cop outside working with Webber?  Yeah that was the father from My So-Called Life!
- So happy Christina came into her own as a surgeon
- Avery is not just a pretty smart and quick thinking!
- Meredith sobbing when she thought Derek was dead was soooo powerful
- Love that Meredith took down Christina to get to her man
- Meredith should have told Derek she was pregnant first thing in the morning
- The miscarriage scene is just so heartbreaking I can't even think about it without crying
- Will they try for another baby next year?
- Will Meredith ever tell Derek she was pregnant?
- So happy Callie and Arizona got back together!
- I'm still not sure that Hunt doesn't love Teddy
- I hope for Christina's sake that he doesn't
- Dr. Bailey is amazing...definitely my favorite character!
- I wonder if Dr. Bailey will feel guilt for saying she was a nurse {I would have done the same thing though}
- The dying scene with Dr. Bailey and Percy was just the saddest thing I have ever seen on television
- So glad they didn't leave us with a big cliffhanger
- Derek should wear blue button down shirts every day
- Love this quote: Derek: [narrating] The human life is made up of choices. Yes or no. In or out. Up or down. And then there are the choices that matter. Love or hate. To be a hero or to be a coward. To fight or to give in. To live. Or die. Live or die. That's the important choice. And it's not always in our hands.

What were your thoughts on the episode??  I can't wait until next season!!!


  1. I thought I was going crazy when I saw that dad for MSCL!!!

    My other thought...

    Was Derek acting unusually calm in this episode to you? Even from the first scene with him writing, he seemed calm, right up till he was shot. Even then he was very calm for a guy that had just been shot in the chest...

  2. I couldn't even remember Mr Clark! I remembered him from the episode where he sued the hospital but not from where he began! I went back and looked it up and they totally glossed over his moment where he argues with Derek, Weber, and Lexie bc April is pining for Derek and Lexie catches her!

    I LOVED the episode! It was sooooo good! I deleted it from my dvr right after I finised it and so wish that I hadn't! I want to watch it again! I'm just going to have to watch it online! I couldn't even sit back I was so upset and stressed out during the whole episode! Even the beginning OMG!

    I'm not a huge fan of April either! I thought she got Derek shot too! BITCH!

    I even had a moment when Owen walked into the operating room where I thought that Derek was dead and I realized without Derek and Merideth I don't want to watch anymore!

    I really like Avery! Really like him! And go Christina! She did really come into her own! Saving Derek's life and all.

    I thought Merideth should have told Derek too. Before Christina even. It breaks my heart that he never knew! And her miscarriage, I was just soooooooo upset. I wasn't expecting it. And how she forced herself to just push through it broke my heart into a million pieces.

    I read a blog that one of the writers wrote, Shonda I think, and she said that they talked to SWAT about how they would do it and that's apparently how they would do it. Weird! She said she felt it added to the drama of it all that only 5 guys were checking that great big hospital.

    And I also think that Derek should wear blue everyday!

    I know it's just TV but it's just sooooo good!

  3. First off, I think you're my new bff... I have few friends that watch this show... lol

    I watched it Thursday, by myself, on the couch. I popped popcorn to eat. It sat on lap untouched. I'd nibble only during commercials!

    I wondered about the gsw patient too... was that his like confidence builder??

    Most of my sentiments for the episode (and questions) you covered... I really think that Mere should have told Derek that she was pregnant. It would have put him in a better mood in the morning. And also... don't these doctors have cell phones? Wouldn't they have texted their coworkers to inform them there is a freakin' shooter in the hospital... or why didn't THAT go out on the pagers so they could take cover.... Its 2010!!!!

    I hope that Webber doesn't take over as chief again.


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